The tapping and gnawing of trees in forests occurs most often in winter, when the lack of fresh food causes the animals to search for other, attractive food. Tapping is most frequently caused by deer and elk. They strip the bark off young coniferous and deciduous trees, causing considerable damage. Trees are maimed and weakened, making them vulnerable to various infections. Tapping can cause trees to die. Protection against tapping consists of protecting the trunk at the level of the animal's head reach with a preparation. Most often it is between 0.4 and 1.8 m. Biting of the top shoots of seedlings and young trees is caused by deer, elk, roe deer, fallow deer, but also hares. Gnawing causes deformation of young trees, growth retardation, but can also lead to tree dieback.
Protection consists of protecting the apical shoots and young shoots, which are readily gnawed by animals, with a preparation.

* Product registered for professional user.

Preventing of Cervidae tapping (ornamental trees, Christmas trees grown in plantations,pear tree, sweet cherry tree, cherry tree, plum tree, peach tree, apricot tree, Corylus avellana, English walnut).

Use of Bitter Bark in orchards:
Prevention of gnawing of apical shoots of seedlings and saplings together with leaves and buds by Cervidae, Leporidae, red squirrel, European beaver (Castor fiber) (plants plant nurseries, restoration, afforestation, and seed plantations of forest Christmas trees grown in plantations, ornamental trees and shrubs, pear tree, Cydonia oblonga sweet cherry tree, cherry tree, plum tree, peach tree, apricot tree, Corylus avellana, English walnut gooseberry, chokeberry, Vaccinium corymbosum, wine grapes).


Damage to orchards is mainly caused by Leporidae but also by Cervidae. Fencing the orchard sometimes may not be sufficient. Use an effective preparation to protect against the harmful effects caused by these animals. Hares gnaw on trees differently to large deer. At heights of up to one metre, they use their incisors to strip the bark off the trunk and branches. Damage can cause the trees to die.
The gnawing of young growths caused by Cervidae, hares, European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), as well as other animals can be reduced and prevented by using the right preparation. Bitter Bark deters and protects saplings and trees from being gnawed by Leporidae and Cervidae. Tree shoots painted with Bitter Bark are also protected against bark cracking, which occurs under the
influence of frost and sun in winter.

  • Remains on shoots for up to 7 months.

  • When the bark is fully painted, it protects the bark from cracking.

  • Resistant to atmospheric conditions in winter and summer.

  • Not phytotoxic.

  • Preparation friendly to fauna overwintering in bark cracks.

Authorisation number R-136/2023
Active ingredient: arenaceous quartz
(a compound from the group of inorganic oxides)
251g/kg (25.1%)

Professional* product for protection against the biting of seedlings, saplings, and tapping (some animals strip bark from trees with their teeth) on deciduous and coniferous trees in forests and orchards (pear tree, sweet cherry tree, cherry tree, plum tree, apricot tree, English walnut, hazelwoods, quince tree etc.). ).


Repellent in paste form to prevent damage to trees by wild animals: Leporidae, Cervidae and others.

Long-term protection of trees in forests and orchards
against damage by wildlife

  1. pl
  2. en

Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno Handlowe ADW Sp. z o.o.

43-175 Wyry

ul. Zbożowa 2

Tel.: 32 218 71 85